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state function is used to create a state slice.

state provides a descriptor which can be used to define one of the following:

Defining state

Defining a state slice is as simple as calling state function.

export const themeState = state(descriptor => ...)

A state can also be defined as factory function that is executed in an injection context. It has access to inject() via the EnvironmentInjector from which they were configured.

export const themeState = () => {
const notificationService = inject(NotificationService);
return state(descriptor => ...);

A state slice file name should be in the format <state-name>.state.ts, this is a requirement as per our environment setup.
<state-name> is singular by convention for simplicity.

Adding state

Once a state slice is created it needs to be provided to the Angular DI system using one of the following methods:

Root injector

To add a state to the root injector, use the withStates feature with provideApolloOrbit.
For example themeState can be provided as follows:

import { themeState } from '../states/theme/theme.state';


providers: [

Module injector

Typically, an Angular application is made up of multiple modules, each feature may have its own module and its own state logic.
States can be added to these child modules, using the provideStates function.

import { provideStates } from '@apollo-orbit/angular';
import { authorState } from './states/author.state';
import { bookState } from './states/book.state';


providers: [
provideStates(authorState, bookState)
export class LibraryModule { }

Route injector

States can also be provided as part of a route's configuration:

import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { LibraryComponent } from './library.component.ts';
import { provideStates } from '@apollo-orbit/angular';
import { authorState } from './library/states/author.state';
import { bookState } from './library/states/book.state';

export const LIBRARY_ROUTES: Routes = [
path: '',
component: LibraryComponent,
providers: [
provideStates(authorState, bookState)
import { Routes } from '@angular/router';

export const LIBRARY_ROUTES: Routes = [
path: 'library',
loadChildren: () => import('./library/library.routes').then(m => m.LIBRARY_ROUTES)

Route provided states should only handle mutations and actions that are defined within the route's module/component or any of its children modules/components.


onInit defines a callback that is invoked when the state is initialised.

export const themeState = state(descriptor => descriptor
.onInit(cache => cache.writeQuery(...))

onInit callback accepts the cache instance associated with the state and can be used to initialise cache data for that state. More on this in local state guide.

onInit callback is called only once when the state is initialised. This can occur at one of the following times:

  • When the Apollo instance associated with the state is first injected into the application.
  • When the lazy-loaded module that provides the state is loaded.
  • When the route that provides the state is first activated.