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Actions are simple classes that have a unique type property and, optionally, additional information.

Actions generally take one of two forms:

  • Command: A verb. For example, [Theme] ToggleTheme
  • Event: Past tense. For example, [Library] BookSelected

When unsure whether to use a command or an event for a certain action, it is advisable to choose event.
Events simply relay what has already happened, without making assumptions about how the various states should react.
In contrast, a command could potentially obscure information about what has happened and dictate what states should do.

Defining an action

An action is required to have a unique type. By convention, type follows the format [<Context>] <ActionName> to uniquely identify the action throughout the app.

import { ThemeName } from '../../graphql/types';

export class ToggleThemeAction {
public static readonly type = '[Theme] ToggleTheme';

public constructor(
public readonly force?: ThemeName
) { }

Dispatching an action

Dispatching an action is as simple as calling apollo.dispatch(new ToggleThemeAction()) from anywhere in the app.

It returns an Observable<void> which completes when all states have completed handling the action. If any of the action handlers throws an error, then the observable emits an error.
This can be useful for executing some logic only after an action has completed, especially if some of the handlers are asynchronous. For example:

export class ThemeComponent {
public constructor(
private readonly apollo: Apollo
) { }

protected toggleTheme(force?: ThemeName): void {
this.apollo.dispatch(new ToggleThemeAction(force)).subscribe({
next: () => console.log('Theme toggle succeeded'),
error: () => console.error('Theme toggle failed')

protected dispatchMultipleActions(): void {
this.apollo.dispatch(new FirstAction()),
this.apollo.dispatch(new SecondAction()),
next: () => console.log('Actions execution succeeded'),
error: () => console.error('Actions execution failed')

Unlike, mutate, dispatch executes regardless of whether the observable is subscribed to or not.


public dispatch<TAction extends ActionInstance>(action: TAction): Observable<void>

type ActionInstance = InstanceType<ActionType<any>>;

interface ActionType<T> {
type: string;
new(...args: Array<any>): T;

Handling an action

action is used in a state slice to define an action handler.

An action handler can be synchronous or asynchronous and can be used to update the cache, call a service, or perform any other logic.

Action handlers can be chained together to form a sequence of actions that are executed in order, by using the dispatch function which is available in the ActionContext parameter.


Let's look at an example of how a LogoutUserAction can be handled asynchronously in the user state and chained with another action handler.

export const userState = () => {
const userSessionApi = inject(UserSessionApi);

return state(descriptor => descriptor
.action(LogoutUserAction, (action, { dispatch }) => {
return userSessionApi.endUserSession().pipe(
mergeMap(() => dispatch(new UserLoggedOutAction()))
.action(UserLoggedOutAction, (action, { cache }) => {
cache.writeQuery({ CurrentUserQuery(), data: { currentUser: null } });

When apollo.dispatch(new LogoutUserAction()) is called from a component or a service, it will:

  1. First, invoke the LogoutUserAction handler.
  2. Then, invoke the UserLoggedOutAction handler.
  3. Finally, complete the observable returned by apollo.dispatch(new LogoutUserAction()) when both handlers have finished executing.

It is important to return the observable from an asynchronous action handler to ensure that the observable returned by dispatch completes only after the action handler has finished executing.


type ActionFn<T> = (action: T, context: ActionContext) => void | Promise<any> | Observable<any>;

interface ActionContext<TCacheShape = any> {
cache: ApolloCache<TCacheShape>;
dispatch<TAction extends Action | ActionInstance>(action: TAction): Observable<void>;

In the next page we will see a complete example of how actions and their handlers can be used for managing local state.

Actions stream

Apollo exposes an actions stream which emits all dispatched actions at different stages of their lifecycle.

Apollo Orbit provides the following (fully typed) RxJS operators to filter the actions stream:

  • ofActionDispatched: When an action is first dispatched.
  • ofActionSuccess: When execution of all action handlers has completed successfully.
  • ofActionError: When execution of one or more action handlers has failed.
  • ofActionComplete: When execution of all action handlers has completed, regardless of success or failure.

All of the operators return an Observable<Action> except for ofActionComplete which returns Observable<ActionComplete<Action>>.


interface ActionComplete<TAction = any> {
action: TAction;
error?: Error;
status: 'success' | 'error';


next: action => console.log(`Add book '${}' dispatched.`)

next: action => console.log(`Add book '${}' succeeded.`)

next: action => console.error(`Add book '${}' failed.`)

next: result => {
if (!result.error) {
console.log(`Add book '${}' succeeded.`);
} else {
console.error(`Add book '${}' failed. Error: ${result.error.message}`);

ofActionSuccess(BookSelectedAction, BookDeselectedAction)
).subscribe(action => {
if (action instanceof BookSelectedAction) {
console.log(`Book '${action.selectedId}' was selected`);
} else if (action instanceof BookDeselectedAction) {
console.log(`Book '${action.deselectedId}' was deselected`);

Unsubscribe logic omitted for brevity.


Actions stream can also be used for direct communication between components on the page, removing the need for a shared service in some scenarios.