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This article also assumes that you've already set up your environment as per getting started guide.

This article also assumes that you've followed HTTP + Subscriptions guide.


subscribe is the primary method for subscribing to GraphQL back-end data in Apollo Orbit.

For a full documentation of subscriptions, please refer to the Apollo Client docs


subscribe<TData, TVariables>(options: SubscriptionOptions<TVariables, TData>): Observable<SubscriptionResult<TData>>

Returns a SubscriptionResult<TData, TVariables> observable. This observable is long lasting and continues to deliver results from GraphQL backend until unsubscribed to.

Executing a subscription

To execute a subscription, inject Apollo and pass it a GraphQL subscription document.

Let's look at an example.

First, we'll create a GraphQL subscription named NewAuthor:

fragment AuthorFragment on Author {

subscription NewAuthor {
newAuthor {

Saving author.graphql will trigger codegen of NewAuthorSubscription class in /graphql/types.ts file as per our setup.

For more information about codegen and how it works, please refer to the Codegen section.

Next, we define the subscription in our component:

import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Apollo, mapSubscription } from '@apollo-orbit/angular';
import { NewAuthorSubscription } from '../graphql/types';

selector: 'app-authors',
templateUrl: './authors.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./authors.component.scss'],
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class AuthorsComponent {
protected readonly newAuthorName$: Observable<string> = this.apollo.subscribe(new NewAuthorSubscription()).pipe(
mapSubscription(data =>

public constructor(
private readonly apollo: Apollo
) { }

Then, we subscribe to the data using async pipe:

@if (newAuthorName$ | async; as newAuthorName) {
<div class="alert-info">New author was added: {{ newAuthorName }}</div>


Apollo Orbit provides a mapSubscription RxJS operator to map data of a subscription result while preserving the other properties.
This is useful when you want to map the subscription result without dealing with the nullability of data property.

import { mapSubscription } from '@apollo-orbit/angular';
protected readonly newAuthorName$: Observable<string> = this.apollo.subscribe(new NewAuthorSubscription()).pipe(
mapSubscription(data =>